Summer is just around the corner in Austin, Texas!
Spring and summer mean Austin’s already active population engages in even more physical activities. Unfortunately, more exercise and fun can bring some familiar foot problems. Athlete’s foot is a condition that causes itching and burning between the toes. It can occur when individuals go barefooted in public showers, school locker rooms or swimming pools. For mild itching, over the counter powders, lotions and ointments can help. If you experience a severe case of athlete’s foot with painful inflammation and blistering you should call for an appointment with Dr. Jeff LaMour today.
Getting ready for the beach? Don't avoid sandals and going barefooted due to embarrassing toenails. If you have thick, yellow nails, you likely have onychomycosis or toenail fungus. Dr. Jeff LaMour offers several treatment options for toenail fungus, including topical medication, oral medication and laser treatment. No matter which treatment option you choose, we are here to help.
You should always maintain healthy feet. Keep your feet clean and dry. Take care to dry well between toes after bathing. Nail polish should not be worn for extended periods of time. Always inspect your toenails for changes in color, luster, or thickness. Monitor skin for redness, scaling and blisters. If you have noticed any of these issue, call your Austin Podiatris, Dr. Jeff LaMour today and set up an appointment. Don't let unsightly feet keep you from your summer fun!
Jeff LaMour, DPM, PA
Family Foot & Ankle Clinic
(512) 451-3668